Skywave Labs is a hub of new innovations and technology. Experience with us the new age technology in AI. We offer you latest services and expertise in visual search and image recognition. Make your business, move forward and in hands with the latest AI technologies. With image recognition help your user get filtered and apt search results to improve their shopping experience. help your customers get what they really want rather just everything. Visual search and image recognition are a part of AI computer vision that enables computers to view and filter videos and images automatically. Get your apps loaded with these filters to enable quality search of desire products to enhance your service and sales. Our consultants and AI programmers help you at every level to get the best suited AI solutions for your business.
Our Services

Our beneficial services tailored for your business

Our Process

How we add visual model into your business?

1. Data collection:

We collect all the data images and videos directly from your edge device and the build a collection of these. This data is used to confer knowledge and predictability of your product.

2. Data annotation:

Our experts built a CVAT Data annotation tool directly into the model to expedite data annotation. Different sets are created for easier access.

3. Transfer learning:

Our developers train a custom Mobile Net SSD model to transfer data and details into the COCO Dataset to improve the and modify filter searches that are automated and image driven.

4. Upload the newly trained model:

Once this model is ready it is tested upon to check for any lags and glitches. Then this model is incorporated into your apps and websites.

5. Run on the edge:

After the completion of development, your customers get the best in class search results that are filtered according to the images that match each other. These custom-trained model take your applications to the next level.

Why invest in us?

Your ideas and business is unique, ordinary solutions might not fit in, but with our guidance and support we help you in building a app just fit for your business need. We enable security features in your app to help you strength your data and user- security. Get cost-effective solution to provide you High-ROI. Give your business the push it needs to reach heights. Evolve your brand with the latest AI solutions.